Da biste imali koristi od Jaguarovih povezanih usluga i pretplata, prvo trebate postaviti svoj korisnički račun InControl i registrirati svoje vozilo. To je moguće na mrežnom mjestu Jaguar InControl.
Vaše InControl usluge neće biti aktivne sve dok ne izradite račun i dovršite sve korake u nastavku.
U ladici s aplikacijama pritisnite ikonu Connect Accounts (Poveži račune) i potražite aplikaciju koju želite povezati. Možete skenirati QR kȏd svojim pametnim telefonom ili odabrati Email Me (Pošalji mi e-poštom) da biste poveznicu stranice za prijavu poslali na svoju adresu e-pošte.
Nakon povezivanja možete odmah početi koristiti uslugu u svojem vozilu. Povezane usluge pojavit će se kao ikona u ladici s aplikacijama, kao izvor medija u medijskom uređaju ili kao aktivni kalendar unutar aplikacije Agenda.
Ne, vaše vozilo dolazi s ugrađenom SIM karticom koja omogućuje upotrebu sljedećeg:
U sustavu Connected Navigation -1 internetske funkcije/usluge
Za ove usluge potrebna je važeća pretplata. Mobilni podaci uključeni su u pretplatu, stoga nisu potrebni dodatni ugovori ili SIM kartice sve dok je pretplata u tijeku.
The optional functions and their availability may vary depending on the vehicle specifications (model and drive frame) or the necessary installation of other functions is required to set them. Please contact your local Authorized Seller for more details, or configure your vehicle online.
Drivers should use functions within a car only in this safe conditions. Drivers must ensure that they have complete control over the vehicle at all times.
Pivi and InControl functions, options, third party services and their availability are market-dependent - check the availability of the local market and the entire conditions with your authorized Jaguar dealer. Certain functions come with a subscription that needs to be further renewed after the initial deadline according to your Authorized Seller's advice. The availability of a mobile network cannot be guaranteed at all locations. The information and images related to InControl technology, including screens or content, are subject to software updates, version control, and other systematic/visual changes, depending on selected options.
Apple CarPlay is a brand of Apple Inc. It is possible that for the end user, the relevant conditions of Apple Inc.
Android Auto is a trademark of Google LLC.
1An additional subscription is required for Connected Navigation after the initial deadline according to the
3Your car has been prepared for Apple CarPlay. The services offered by Apple CarPlay depend on the availability of a function in your country, so please look at more information at https://www.apple.com/uk/ios/feature-availability/#apple-carplay.
4Your car is prepared for Android Auto. The services offered by Android Auto depend on the availability of a function in your country. Please look at more information at https://www.android.com/auto/.
6The legal rules are fair use. After a used 20 GB of data within one month, the data transfer speed and in-vehicle functionality may be reduced for the rest of the month.